



Today in This Space, Cady-lee, Jackson, Piper and I used some LITTLE BITS! (if you don’t know what little bits are, you will see after I finish this sentence).

Little Bits are little (yes, they are little, I can’t believe it) technical bits of machinery like fans, annoying buzzers, buttons, and lights (and also some other irrelevant things) and when you put some bits and pieces together… BAM!!! IRRELEVANT MACHINE! *gasp* :O (also some irrelevant emoticons and grammar).  We used the Little Bits to make something that would improve our school grade!!! /:0 (why do I use emoticons?) Anyway… (I seem to be using anyway a lot) ANYWAY… We basically used some lights and stuff to link some biomes together on a world map and added some words to the picture to state what was connected to what and that was easy. Mind blowing (I was being sarcastic lol) sarcastic… what a cool word.

Anyway… (for the 277802864th time) That was what happened today as of the 15/11/16. whoop de deeeeee. (saaarrcasmm) I did good though. This is mine and Piper’s work:

By Cooper


My group which included Lani, Summer, Craig, Abbey and Haylee, were meant to use Google Cardboard, however because Mr Chapple’s phone ran out of data we had to use a site called 360 Cities to visit New Caledonia. It was Awesome! We listed fish, coral, anemones, squid and sea slugs as some of the things we could see on the coral reef. Also, the three aquatic biomes found  were wetlands, freshwater and saltwater.

By Jaymee



Today at Thispace I did Project Based Learning (PBL) research. Harley and I researched snakes and turtles. The main turtle we looked at was the Green Turtle. We also looked at snakes. The main snake we looked at was Anaconda. Harley and I wrote a whole page of facts and information.


Prepositional phrases

Earlier in the year 4/5 Gwiyala learned about prepositional phrases. We learnt that they help to improve our writing by adding more description and detail to our sentences. Today we have been revising how to identify and incorporate them into our writing. This video  helps to explain and consolidate our understanding of what they are.

How dew is formed

Dew formation

By Tarra Thomas

Dew is formed because the water vapour in the air  condenses on a warmer surface like a leaf.

The air can only hold so much water. The warmer the air the more water it can hold. The surface of a leaf is a good conductor of heat. Because in the morning the air is cooler than it is at let’s say 12 o’clock in the afternoon, the air can not hold as much water vapour and because leaves are warmer the water condenses(clumps together) before it can evaporate.

Basically, this happens because it’s normally cooler in the early morning  and late afternoon.

However, in a place like Darwin where it never gets below 25 degrees, it is never cool enough for dew to form, we get something called “humidity.” Humidity is when there has been no time for anything to condense so it stays in the air making everything lovely and sticky.

Now you know how dew is formed.


Holiday Recount

By Zaq Doyle

On the holidays I was involved in three main activities. These included playing video games, digging deep holes at the beach and killer clown hunting.

During the holidays I played games on my computer and Playstation with my cousin. We liked to play Paragon Roblox and Minecraft.Our favourite game is Call of Duty III. We  like that game because it has guns, wall jumping and killing involved in the game.

The second thing I did was dig deep holes at the beach. I used a shovel to dig the hole and the hole got as tall as three of me put on top of each other. I had to use a ladder to get out of the hole but the ladder wasn’t tall enough so we had to get another ladder from my dad’s work truck.

The final thing I did was go out in the middle of the night with my dad and oldest sister and we went clown hunting. Clown hunting is when you go out at night and look for clowns. The clowns normally have weapons and they target schools. I hope they target our school because I didn’t see any when I went hunting for them. If we saw one we were going to tackle it and take it’s mask off and take it to the police. Clown hunting was a bit scary but not too scary. We are going to go again at some point during the week.



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